What is the "Customer Experience" of your customers?
Only if you know what your customers think about your company and its products and services are you able to act on the basis of that knowledge and derive competitive advantages from it. We help you, with STRATECO Customer Experience Analytics, to reliably monitor customer experience, to analyze it systematically, and to design strategies that enable you to seize the opportunities that only such knowledge makes possible.
Our technologies make it possible for you to gather efficiently and analyze systematically the valuable information generated by customer dialog through all communication channels. It makes no difference whether such information is gained through voice or in text form. The important foundation is the specialized and methodological competence of our advisors, who develop a customized analytical model that enables you to gain the relevant knowledge required for better decisions!
Deployment possibilities
The deployment opportunities for Customer Experience Analytics are abundant. Often there are large quantities of information already available in a firm, but this potentially valuable resource is not collated systematically and not exploited profitably. Classical examples of applications are:
- Quality assurance in telephone customer service
- Analysis of recorded calls
- Market research in Social Media und Internet Forums – way beyond the classical „Monitoring“
- Process optimization – targeted identification of process errors and deficiencies
- Early warning systems for trend recognition – before the weaknesses are evident in conventional periodic reporting
- Diagnostics – investigating causal factors to identify both probable sources of problems and possible methods of solution
SC-CEA is adaptable

It makes no difference which system has been implemented or which structures are present in your business organization – SC-CEA can be adapted flexibly to meet the needs of the firm.
Intelligent and efficient

Once the analytical models are set up, the generation and availability of information are automated and all needs to extend the model are automatically recognized.