Many channels = better communication?
Unfortunately in practice this is by no means the case. In many cases new communication channels result in just the opposite. In the past it was usually the case that as soon as fax and telephone communications were under control, the volume of E-mails became the next unmet challenge.
Even more dramatic is the current situation in which the fundamental structure is still changing. Social Media converts the 1:1 dialog which typified the past into a „many to many“ network of communication links. Such networks require a fundamentally different way of thinking and completely new technologies.
We help you to master these challenges. Starting with a customer interaction strategy which is tailored to your needs, we advise you not only on the selection of the appropriate communications channels, but also on the technologies that are most effective, and last but not least, we implement them. Each step of the way, there is one focal point: the customer.
Only the firms which have a clear vision of the customer’s concerns and a good „Customer Experience“ will be able to sustain a strategic competitive advantage. For this reason Customer Experience Analytics play a critical role. What is the Customer Experience of your customers?
Our Performance
In the past 10 years, the consultants of STRATECO have carried out a large variety of projects in the field of Customer Service and Customer Interaction. Our performance spectrum is highly diversified, including the following deliverables:
- Conception and Service Decision
- Market studies and Whitepapers
- Technology selection
- Project management
- Process development and optimization
- Cost optimization